Valgarv and Jiras in 2000

SS campaign division headquarters



People have voted by their mere presence.


JirasSeveral Weeks Ago

Fujiko:  Why is only Xellos running for president? Jiras is much cooler.

Sasinak: I dunno. *goes back to reading*

Fujiko:  I know, Jiras can run against Xellos.  How does Valgarv & Jiras 2000 sound?

Sasinak: Why are you torturing Val, too?

Fujiko:  Well, Jiras is the best character so he has to have the second best as a running mate.

Sasinak: *glares*


Fujiko: Hey Sasinak!  Check out this banner!

Sasinak: Okay, I'll help. 

 ValgarvMuch Later

Valgarv: What?!?

Jiras: What?!? You want us to do what?!!?

Fujiko: We want you to run for president and vice president. *grins*

Valgarv: *looks at Fujiko and shakes head* Why me?

Sasinak: Because and I quote "Jiras is the best character so he has to have the second best as a running mate." It's his idea. *points at Fujiko*

Fujiko: What's wrong with my idea?

Jiras: Nothing! I like this idea!

Valgarv & Sasinak: You would.

Valgarv: What do we have to do.

Fujiko: *blank look* Uhh, nothing right now.   Sasinak and I are working on some banners but other than that. . .

Sasinak: Hey everyone.  We need ideas so drop Fuji a line and give us some!  Fujiko's address - bytefast@texoma.net

Jiras: Cast your Vote for us there too!!


Much Much Much Later

Valgarv: How many supporters do we have so far Sasinak?

Sasinak: Just two so far.

Fujiko: It's a start.  Who are they?

Sasinak: Who do you think?

Fujiko: Oh yeah.  That would be us then. 

Sasinak: Well here are the links.

     Sasinak's Lair

     Fujiko Kinsaki's page

Jiras: That's a whole lot!

Valgarv: Only if you can't count to two.

Jiras: Hey!  I resemble that remark!

Valgarv: Yes, you do.


Even Later Than Much Much Much Later

Sas: *runs into the room waving her arms* *runs into the room waving her arms* We have a new supporter!!!

Fujiko: She's hired some Office Ladies to hunt down Xellos for us!

Jiras: What's an Office Lady?

Val: You hired them Fujiko, not Viv. . .

Viv: Hi everyone!!!!!!  Val, aren't you glad I'm here!!!!!

Val: *rolls eyes, stands behind Sas* Yes, Sis.

Jiras:  Sis?

Viv: Yep!!!!!!! *runs over and hugs Val*

Jiras: How many supporters do we have now?

Sas: Umm, three. Well here are the links.

     Viv's (and Phibrizio's) Slayers Section

     Sasinak's Lair

     Fujiko Kinsaki's page

Jiras: Wow!! That's even more than last time!!

Valgarv: So you can count.

Viv: I hope he can.....

Fujiko & Jiras: HEY!!!


Can't go much later than this!

Fujiko: Guess what!  We've actually got some people to vote for us!

Sas: Really? How many?

Fujiko: 3 people have e-mailed me to vote for Valgarv so far, and for those who are really wondering it's Jiras who's going to be pres. . . *BAM*

Sas: *massaging her fist after knocking Fujiko unconscious* *massaging her fist after knocking Fujiko unconscious* Jiras will be vice president.

Viv: And my brother Valgarv will be president!!!! Nice reflexes Sas!!!!

Sas: Now with Fuji-chan temporarily unconscious, we'll finish up.

Viv: Please vote for Valgarv,  I so want him to win the election.

Sas: Fuji-chan's Office Ladies were unsuccessful in their attempt to kill Xellos, but poor Fuji-chan has found the book of E-VILLE which was sent to the farthest reaches of the earth, he found it in his closet.

Viv: Fuji-chan is now trying to find the book of GÜD, the book of BHAD, and the book of UGLÉÉ.

Sas: If you can help him please don't we are trying our best to contain him already.


Time to get a new joke.

Fujiko:  Guess what Jiras!!

Jiras:  What boss?

Fujiko: *As he spins around and laughs maniacally* Today Jiras, we take over the world!!

Jiras:  Huh?  Boss, are you sure?

Fujiko:  No just kidding, today actually we have gotten 5 votes for Valgarv President!

Jiras:  Boss, with this lengthy page it's getting a bit hard to find the new stats on the election, maybe we should put a section just for supporters and votes.

Fujiko:  Yes Jiras, my idea is great this will be a new section for votes and supporters.  Isn't my idea great!

Jiras:  But...

Fujiko:  We currently have 17 votes outside of our campaign staff, and here are our supporters.

     The Salute to Jiras

    Slayers Outrageous


     The Fox Den

     Viv's (and Phibrizio's) Slayers Section

     Sasinak's Lair

     Fujiko Kinsaki's page

     Jades Chaos

     Chaos Island

     Other Fang-Boys of Anime

      banner1a.jpg (11270 bytes)

     A Simple Story     

Jiras: I knew it, the boss has lost it.

Fujiko:  Look Jiras someone voted for you?

Jiras: What?

Fujiko:  See the link titled The Salute to Jiras they're your biggest fans!

Jiras: Wow!  *his eyes beginning to sparkle* They finally accept me as a real person!

Fujiko:  I don't know if I'd go that far, but you are the second most popular person on the campaign staff!


Latest news.

Fujiko:  Well we are getting lots of votes?

Jiras:  But boss, everyone who links to us uses that one banner.

Fujiko:  Hmm.  Well yes, that does seem to be true.

Jiras:  Maybe you should make a better one boss.

Fujiko:  No.  This just proves the genius of my plan for world domination.  *Evil laughter*

Jiras:  I have a cunning plan boss.

Fujiko:  Just how cunning is it?

Jiras:  We really need some new campaign propaganda.

Fujiko:  That would be nice wouldn't it! *Grins*

Jiras:  If anyone has made a banner to get us elected please send it to Fujiko so that we can put it on this page and it can slowly spread across the internet.

Fujiko:  That is a cunning plan Jiras!  *More evil laughter*

Jiras:  Boss, you do know that the Lord Of Nightmares has voted for us, don't you?

Fujiko:  YES!  Jiras, now we will surely rule the world!!

Jiras:  What a weirdo.

Fujiko:  I heard that Jiras!!

More Banners!

Fujiko:  Look!  We have more banners now!

Jiras:  But most of them are still made by the campaign staff.

Fujiko:  But we have one that wasn't.

Jiras:  Yeah, and it has a really good slogan!

Don't vote Mazoku, Vote FOX!

Fujiko:  Thanks to Madeline Frezza for this addition to the banners section.

Jiras:  HA!  She's the second one outside of the campaign staff who's done anything!

Fujiko:  Come on now Jiras, we do have many loyal supporters.

Jiras:  Like 12 votes will get us anything! *WHAM* Ooh, pretty stars.  *FLOP*

Fujiko:  I'm sorry Jiras, but I won't let you detract from the campaign in that way!


Fujiko:  Oh no.

Viv:  How dare you try to dispose of us! *Whap*

Sas:  You wanted to run the campaign all by yourself didn't you! *Bop*

Viv:  And now you were trying to get rid of poor Jiras too. *Smash*

Sas:  You will be punished!  *Wham, Pow, Stomp*

Viv:  EEP!  SAS! That's enough violence!

Sas:  Oh?  Yes, that is enough, Fuji-chan is out cold anyway.

Viv:  Now since we are back in charge we would like to apologize for whatever Fuji-chan has done to offend people.

Sas:  We would also like to thank those who remained loyal to our cause even with Fuji-chan's corruption.  We assure you that nothing like this will happen once Valgarv and Jiras assume office.

Viv:  Keep the good stuff coming! ;)

Want to support Valgarv and Jiras?

Feel free to post a banner on your page and link back to us.

Also please send us your pages location so that we can add you to our list of supporters!

E-mail Fujiko

Here are most of our banners. 


Thanks to Madeline Frezza!

Thanks to Ara Catwing!

Sas has made some new ones so check out her page for them!
